Registration is opening late january

Registration will open soon, with an early-bird registration deadline of the end of February. 

If you need us to generate an invitation letter for visa purposes prior to registration opening up, please let us know via this form:

IEEE RAS Members Member Support Program

Additionally, we would like to invite IEEE RAS members to apply to the Membership Support Program, which has approximately 15 scholarships to provide 1,500 USD to support travel and attendance to RoboSoft.  The criteria for these are that (i) the applicant is either a student or from a developing country, (ii) they are presenting work at the conference, and (iii) they are IEEE RAS members.  Under-represented groups are particular encouraged to apply.  The deadline is January 15thand more and the application form can be found here:

Accepted Paper Registration Discount

Finally, for every accepted paper, there will also be a registration discount (one per paper) for all IEEE RAS members.  Discount codes for these will be sent out shortly.