Call for Papers

The 8th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics, RoboSoft 2025, will have a focus on interdisciplinarity and the aim of strongly pushing the horizons of soft robotics.


We encourage multidisciplinary works investigating soft robotic science through the lenses of different disciplines and fields, including (not solely) material science, biology, zoology, neuroscience, philosophy, social sciences, modelling, control theory, artificial intelligence, art, etc. Works reflecting on new ways to enhance the community’s growth and leverage inclusivity are also strongly encouraged.

RoboSoft 2025 will be a high quality forum to interact across the boundaries of the different disciplines and range of topics, and it will be based on rigorously selected works bringing  outstanding quality, originality and interest across disciplines.

Four types of submissions are invited to the conference. 

The following three types will be eligible for oral or poster presentations:

  1. Contributed Papers (published in proceedings)
  2. Extended Abstracts (not published in proceedings)
  3. RA-L Paper transfer (already published)

In addition to the above, there will be an option eligible for a spotlight oral presentation:

  • Rising Stars at RoboSoft (not published in proceedings)


Contributed Papers: October 15, 9 am PST

Extended Abstracts: January 15, 9 am PST

Rising Stars submissions: January 15, 9 am PST

RA-L Papers: As determined by RA-L Transfer Window


Contributed Papers

Manuscripts should be six pages (US letter size) in length, with a maximum of up to two extra pages that can be purchased. The number of pages includes the references, appendices, and acknowledgments. Papers should be formatted in standard IEEE format. Templates for LaTex and MS-Word are available at the RAS paper submission support page. Videos to complement the submission are strongly encouraged.

Video Submission Guidelines for Contributed Papers
Videos should be submitted with your paper and have the following format:

  • File size: 20MB
  • File extension check and correction: mpeg, mp4, mpg
  • Maximum duration: 3 minutes
  • Minimum height: 480
  • Minimum frame rate (fps): 20
  • Scan type: progressive

Extended Abstracts

We welcome extended abstracts (up to 2 pages plus 1 page for references) that describe novel results or research directions. 

These contributions will not be published in the proceedings. The submission of an accompanying video is encouraged. These works can either represent preliminary results or report already published work. For the latter case, the original publication should be clearly mentioned with a variation of “this work is an extract from the paper [x]”.

RA-L Papers

RA-L Papers: As determined by RA-L Transfer Window (If you wish to transfer your RAL paper to IEEE RoboSoft 2025, please email [email protected] specifying title, authors list, and PaperCept code. Use your PaperCept code as subject of the email)

T-MRB Papers

All papers appearing in the issues going from the 2nd of 2024 to the 1st of 2025 (included) can be transferred to RoboSoft. The transfer should be done by contacting T-MRB.

Rising Stars at RoboSoft

RoboSoft 2025 invites early-stage researchers to present their best work to the scientific community through a talk during a spotlight oral session. Presenting already published, under review, or unpublished content is encouraged. This submission format is intended for late-stage PhD researchers, postdoctoral researchers, or early-career professors.  The three categories will be indicated in the conference program.The author should submit a short abstract (up to 2 pages), a video presentation summarising the work (up to 2 minutes, max size 20 MB), and a career summary (1 page). The abstract should follow the RAS template (available on the RAS paper submission support page), and the career summary can be submitted as an MS Word or PDF file using any preferred style.

The best ROBOSOFT 2025 papers on medical robotics and bionics will be selected to appear on a special issue of T-MRB. More information coming soon!