Arts & Photography Expo
On Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of April, there will be an arts and photography exposition showcasing creative projects by soft robotics researchers, artists, and innovators.
Provisional Schedule
Wednesday 23rd April
19:00 – 21:00 Expo opening event
Thursday 24th April
18:00 – 20:00 Expo open to public

The exhibition hall at EPFL SG 094.11
List of Art Pieces on display
- Coming soon…
List of Photography on display
- EleBot by Benhui Dai, Qinghua Guan, Hung Hon Cheng, & Josie Hughes
- BabyBot by Benhui Dai & Josie Hughes
- Soft Boundaries by Amy Hicks & Ajmal Roshan
- Have We Met? by Qi Qi & Adam Ray Braun
- An autonomous self-oscillating tube by Alberto Comoretto
- Bug meets Bot by Heiko Kabutz
- The Eternal Symphony of Spirals by Mohsen Jafarpour
- FlutterLeaf by Thileepan Stalin
- A Thorny Problem by Josh Pinskier
- Soft Undulations by Florian Hartmann
- LumoBreath: the interactive breathing light by Ambre Sassi
- A bio-inspired soft robotic heart by Lucrezia Lorenzon
- Unveiling Depths by Linda Paternò, Kleoniki Keklikoglou, Irene Mannari, & Joachim Langeneck
- Sexus Fleurus by Yosra Mojtahedi
- Tangled minds and gravitational binds by Zachary Hale, Leone Costi, Leon Williams
- Aesthetics in Soft Robotic Systems by Lio Huntjens
- Aqua-Morph by Yaya Huang & Hannah Eikens
- The Actuator Duet by Amy Winters, Geert van der Boomen, Peter Peters,
Jay Kolvenbag, Lio Huntjens, Karijn Den Teuling, & Miguel Bruns - Merlett by Hanna Loschacoff, Isa Jansen, & Stefan Hubert
- From Noise to Nuance by Teun Schutten
- Droplet by Kadri-Ann Pankratov & Indrek Must
- Interfacial fracture no. 1-7 by Charlotte Folinus
- Shot Jellyfish by Graziella Bedenik
- Welcome to the Jungle by Marco Pontin